According to the 2002 Population and Housing Census, Sikonge District had a population of 132,733 where by 66,168 were males and 66,565 females. Total number of households was 22,249 while 6.3 was the average household size; population and growth rate was 4.83% per annum. The District had a sex ratio of 99 males per 100 females and dependency ratio is 107 meaning 100 economically active people support 107 dependants.
Assuming a projected annual growth rate of 4.83% per annum the population of Sikonge District is estimated to be 174,472 as of October 2010.
According to the 2002 Population and Housing Census, Sikonge District had a population of 132,733 where by 66,168 were males and 66,565 females. Total number of households was 22,249 while 6.3 was the average household size; population and growth rate was 4.83% per annum. The District had a sex ratio of 99 males per 100 females and dependency ratio is 107 meaning 100 economically active people support 107 dependants.
Assuming a projected annual growth rate of 4.83% per annum the population of Sikonge District is estimated to be 174,472 as of October 2010.
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